

August 3, 2020

Hello! As you probably already know, my name's Chloe and this blog is where I'll be posting about random tidbits of my life. That can range from things like art, music, fitness, bullet journaling, and photography.

I've been a very artsy person for my whole life. I love all types of art, and especially painting it seems. So far, I've used oil painting, acrylic, watercolor, ink, and many other mediums. I also love to draw! I like drawing semi-realistically (like people, nature, etc.)

photo of paint, a palette, and a paintbrush from google

I've also been a musical person my whole life. I've played quite a few instruments before I finally came across the viola. Example of these include the flute, piano, and ukulele (if that counts). In addition, I was in choir for all 3 years of middle school and in dance at my saturday school for around 4 years.

photo of sheet music from google

I am a decently fit person. I went on runs with my dad every weekend for while, and I had conditioning for volleyball for a good amount of time.

photo of a person running from google

I actually recently picked up bullet journaling after meaning to start for a while. As soon as I started, I fell in love with it. It's the perfect balance of organization and art. It helps me be super motivated to be productuve during the summer.

photo of a bullet journal setup from google

I actually took a art class at school this past year. One of the units that we did was photography. I remember going outside during class and taking pictures on our phones of whatever we wanted. It was pretty fun. Later, we got to edit them and that was when I first had my hand at photography.

photo of a camera taking a photo from google

Thanks for reading through all of that! I hope that you'll stay to read whatever I end up posting next. Bye!